Get Gigs Search

This API is used to search for gigs based on various parameters such as location, type, keyword, product type, etc.

Endpoint #

The Voomerr Get Gigs Search endpoint is GET

Request Parameters #

Parameter Required Description
currency No The currency to be used for pricing.
latitude No The latitude of the user’s current location.
longitude No The longitude of the user’s current location.
km No The distance in kilometers within which to search for gigs.
type No The type of gig to search for (e.g. errands, delivery, pickup, etc.).
keyword No A keyword to search for in the gig name or description.
product_type No The type of product to search for (e.g. food, groceries, electronics, etc.).
user_id No The ID of the user who posted the gig.
product_name No The name of the product to search for.

Response Parameters #

Parameter Description
status A boolean value indicating whether the request was successful or not. True if successful, false otherwise.
message A string containing a message regarding the status of the request. If the request was successful, this parameter will contain a success message, otherwise, an error message.
gigs An array of JSON objects containing information about the retrieved gigs, including their IDs, names, descriptions, prices, currencies, delivery times, and locations.

Example #

"status": true,
"message": "User profile retrieved successfully.",
"user": {
"id": 123,
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"phone": "+1-555-555-5555",
"address": "123 Main St, Anytown USA",
"avatar": ""

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