Get Gig by Offer

The get gig by offer API allows users to retrieve information about a specific gig, including its ID, name, description, price, currency, delivery time, and location. The API takes two parameters: gig_id, which is the ID of the gig to be retrieved, and currency, which is the currency to be used for pricing (optional).

Endpoint #

The Voomerr Get Gig by Offer endpoint is POST

Request Parameters #

Parameter Description
gig_id The ID of the gig to be retrieved. (required)
currency The currency to be used for pricing. (optional)

Response Parameters #

Response Parameter Description
status A boolean value indicating whether the request was successful or not. True if successful, false otherwise.
message A string containing a message regarding the status of the request. If the request was successful, this parameter will contain a success message, otherwise, an error message.
gig A JSON object containing information about the retrieved gig, including its ID, name, description, price, currency, delivery time, and location.

Example Request #

"gig_id": "12345",
"currency": "USD"

Example Response #

"status": true,
"message": "Gig retrieved successfully.",
"gig": {
"id": "12345",
"name": "Logo Design",
"description": "I will design a professional logo for your business.",
"price": "50",
"currency": "USD",
"delivery_time": "3 days",
"location": "United States"

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